
Year of 2014 I was on my first run of the year and I fell and badly hurt my right knee, later down the line across my upper back and neck I started to get bad pains and this travelling down to my wrist. At first, I thought the ganglion on my wrist was causing pins and needles to travel up my arm and maybe causing the tight and dull aches in my upper body.


I had known Jana for a long time before this as I trained with her and she had mentioned about this new method but I hadn’t really thought about it as I was seeing the doctor about the ganglion on my wrist. I was referred to the physio who mentioned the pain that I had been having may be coming from my neck.


During this time my partner was going through a real bad time with his lower back and had to stop his day job in tiling. I had recommended Spiral time and time again but he ended up seeing a chiropractor first. After 6 months or so the pain had been relieved slightly and my partner felt as if he was losing a winning battle.


In the end I booked us both an appointment with Jana and it was the best decision that was ever made. My partner was pretty much cured from the pain within 3 weeks, he says to me time and time again ‘It has saved my life’. Whenever he feels a slight pain coming back on he picks up the ropes and it relieves any tightness and tensions. ‘Jana has given the tools and I can use these anywhere anytime’


During the appointments with Jana (with the pain pretty much gone) I had visited the physio in between. After one session I recall the feeling of severe pins and needles in my arm. I immediately asked Jana about this symptom and if this was usual after a session. Of course, it was not and I stopped seeing the physio. After just committing to spiral the pain was gone!


Now working in an office environment my neck pain comes back every now again, I soon pick up the ropes and I’m instantly relieved! I’m now looking into marrying spiral with acupuncture, I do think this will work wonders!

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