Additional Information
Manual Therapy Techniques and Exercise using Muscle Chains
CPD: 12 CPD points (accreditation provided by Complementary Health Professionals)
COURSE DURATION: 2 days, 9am – 5pm
COURSE TUTOR: Jana Mitackova
- Physiotherapists
- Osteopaths
- Chiropractors
- Medical doctors
- Massage therapists
- Health & Fitness professionals
2 attendees per course in order to ensure personal attention for attendees and therefore the most benefit from the practical part of the course.
COURSE PREREQUISITES: Foundation course 1 or a Spiral Stabilization course with Dr Smisek. Learners must hold a Level 3 Diploma in Massage Therapy or equivalent.
Theoretical part
- Refresher of Foundation course 1 theory.
- Manual therapy techniques.
Practical part
- Refresher of Foundation course 1 exercises and their variations
- Manual therapy techniques in sitting, standing and lying positions (20 techniques).
- Advanced Spiral Stabilization exercises, strength and conditioning exercises, exercises for sport.
The main focus of this course is on Spiral Stabilization manual therapy techniques in lying positions.
- Functional anatomy of muscle chains
- Muscle chains training – Spiral Stabilization exercise and their variations
- Method’s principles
- Reciprocal inhibition
- Importance of gait
- Manual therapy techniques in lying positions
- Techniques for iliocostalis, longissimus thoracis, quadratus lumborum, multifidus, thoracic spine & ribs mobilisation
- Manual therapy techniques in lying positions
- Techniques for cervical spine and shoulder girdle – subclavius, pectoralis minor, serratus anterior
- Techniques for posterior neck – semispinalis capitis, semispinalis cervicis
- Exercise to music – refresher of Foundation course 1 exercises, Spiral Stabilization stretching
- Exercise to music – exercise progression, strength and conditioning exercises, exercises for sport
- Exercise correction and manual therapy techniques in sitting and standing positions
- Manual therapy techniques in lying positions
- Techniques for hip flexors – iliopsoas, adductor brevis, adductor longus, pectineus, rectus femoris, tensor fasciae latae
- Techniques for iliocostalis, longissimus thoracis, quadratus lumborum
- Techniques for iliocostalis, longissimus thoracis, quadratus lumborum, multifidus
- Techniques for cervical spine & shoulder girdle – trapezius, levator scapulae
- Techniques for scalene – scalenus posterior, scalenus medius, scalenus anterior
- Techniques for levator scapulae, trapezius, rhomboidei
- Technique for serratus posterior superior
- Recap of day 1 and day 2 manual therapy techniques in lying positions – 20 techniques
- Exercise to music – recap of day 1 and day 2 exercises
To ensure that you learn and perform Spiral Stabilization exercises and manual therapy techniques correctly, I will examine, correct and provide feedback for the duration of the course. You will work in pairs to practice working with a client.
All course attendees will receive a CPD certificate after completion of the course, allowing them to use the method in their respective practices.
The course programme will include regular tea breaks, including small snacks, and a lunch break. Please note that lunch is not provided.
We will be going through exercises each day, so please ensure that you bring suitable clothing to enable you to perform the practical part of the course comfortably. Female course attendees are advised to wear a sports bra for manual therapy techniques.
I advise all course attendees to have professional liability insurance to cover them for the practical part of the course.
Should you wish to take notes during the course, I recommend that you bring your own note-pad or tablet.
Spiral Stabilization exercise equipment will be available for use and for purchase during the course. Both cash and card payments will be accepted.
- Price Per Person: £299
The course price includes free access to our exercise videos package.
Courses can only run when fully booked, which means a minimum of 2 attendees. If you are the only person booked for the course near the course date you may be asked to reschedule. Therefore, it is recommended to book for a course with one attendee already booked.
Should you wish for a Foundation course or workshop to be held at your facility, please get in touch for further details.